Clip DescriptionAS is working at a computer. She is busy. She makes a call to her friend Tracy and says she has almost finished her home interior design project and will be ready to go out to celebrate. They agree to meet later. She goes back to work.
Suddenly Akeira (A) bursts in telling AS to put her hands up. AS does it, in fear but calm. A says she is being followed by the police and needs to take AS as a hostage. She tells AS to sit and face her. AS tyrs to calm A down, (here is chance for AS to act).......but A is mean telling AS she is going to shoot her as A will be shot by the police anyway .......AS says no, no-one will get shot today.
Suddenly A tells AS to strip as she wants AS's clothes.........AS does it and slowly strips down to panties......she sits, covering her tits with her hands.........Akeira tells her to put her hands up.....AS does and suddenly A shots AS in the chest (like the Chloe shot).....AS struggles to breath, looking in disbelief at her wound.......A just smiles and says she likes to kill and aims the pistol, putting a final bullet in AS head....headshot.......
AS slumps back in the chair dead.........eyes open death stare.......Lots of camera pans
A smiles and looks around for the police......she knows she does not have long left....... we see the sniper sight aiming at her head and chest.....suddenly there is a shot .......she looks down and she is shot in chest......she also looks down, but still alive and then suddenly there is a second shot to the head and she relaxes back dead. Good camera pans of the two corpses.
Starring: Akeira,AltSiren
Keywords: Assasin, Headshot, Shooting, Stripping
Clip Duration: 14 minutes |
Format | Size | wmv | 495.99 MB |
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